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2-1-1 Addiction Hotline

2-1-1 provides free, personal assistance to anyone trying to navigate the health and human services system, government assistance programs, and local community resources in their struggle with substance misuse issues. 2-1-1 provides information and referral services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Hope and help for families and friends of alcoholics.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Hope and help for alcoholics.

American Council for Drug Education

The American Council for Drug Education is a substance misuse prevention and education agency that develops programs and materials based on the most current scientific research on drug use and its impact on society.

American Society of Addiction Medicine

“The nation’s medical specialty society dedicated to educating physicians and improving the treatment of individuals suffering from alcoholism or other addictions.”

Center for Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY)

The Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth (CAMY) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health monitors the marketing practices of the alcohol industry to focus attention and action on industry practices that jeopardize the health and safety of America’s youth.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Main Site) (Alcohol and Public Health)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, is an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services established to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, and disability.

Centers for Science in the Public Interest

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply and on reducing the carnage caused by alcoholic beverages. CSPI seeks to promote health through educating the public about nutrition and alcohol; it represents citizens’ interests before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies; and it works to ensure that advances in science are used for the public’s good.

Center for Substance Abuse Prevention

CSAP’s mission is to provide national leadership in the Federal effort to prevent alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug problems.

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

CADCA, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, is the premier membership organization of over 5,000 Community Coalitions nationwide, each fighting the problems associated with substance misuse and violence — one community at a time.

Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program of NJ

The Comprehensive Tobacco Control Program works to decrease deaths, sickness and disability among New Jersey residents who use tobacco or are exposed to environmental tobacco smoke.

The Cool Spot

The Cool Spot was created for kids 11-13 years old by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The content is based on a curriculum for grades 6-8 developed by the University of Michigan. The curriculum was created for the Alcohol Misuse Prevention Study (AMPS), a large-scale project supported by NIAAA.

Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey

The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey, Inc. is a private non-profit organization which provides information, education and referral services for anyone affected by compulsive gambling.

Food & Drug Administration

This web site contains information that FDA had developed to inform retailers and consumers about the regulation, which prohibited the sale of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco to children.

Governor’s Council on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse

The Governor’s Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse (GCADA) was established to review and coordinate New Jersey’s efforts in regard to the planning and provision of treatment, prevention, research, evaluation, and education services for, and public awareness of, alcoholism and drug abuse.

Hazeldon Foundation

Hazelden is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people recover from alcoholism and other drug addiction. We provide residential and outpatient treatment for adults and young people, programs for families affected by chemical dependency, and training for a variety of professionals. Hazelden is also known as the world’s premier publisher of information on this subject and related areas.

Join Together

Join Together, a project of the Boston University School of Public Health, is a national resource for communities working to prevent and reduce substance abuse.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving

MADD is more than just moms – we’re real people – dads, young people, and other concerned individuals who want to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking.

Narcotics Anonymous

Hope and help for narcotic addicts.

National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability, Inc. (NAADD)

The National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability Inc., (NAADD) promotes awareness and education about substance abuse among people with co-existing disabilities.

National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC)

NAADAC is the premier global organization of addiction focused professionals who enhance the health and recovery of individuals, families and communities.

National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACoA)

NACoA is a national nonprofit organization working on behalf of children of alcohol and drug dependent parents, advocating for all children and families affected by alcoholism and other drug dependencies.

National Clearinghouse For Alcohol and Drug Information

The world’s largest resource for current information and materials concerning alcohol and substance abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment, the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI) is a service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, which is under the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence provides education, information, help and hope in the fight against the chronic, often fatal disease of alcoholism and other drug addiction.

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence – NJ

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD)-New Jersey promotes the prevention and treatment of, and recovery from, alcoholism and drug addiction through advocacy and education.

National Inhalant Prevention Coalition

The NIPC serves as an inhalant referral and information clearinghouse, stimulates media coverage about inhalant issues, develops informational materials, produces ViewPoint (a quarterly newsletter), provides training and technical assistance and leads a week-long national grassroots inhalant education and awareness campaign.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) supports and conducts biomedical and behavioral research on the causes, consequences, treatment, and prevention of alcoholism and alcohol-related problems.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical and behavioral research agency of the United States Government. NIH is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is dedicated to eliminating birth defects caused by alcohol consumption during pregnancy and improving the quality of life for those individuals and families affected.

New Jersey and American Self-help Group Clearinghouse

The Self-help Group Clearinghouse helps individuals locate self-help groups nationally as well as in New Jersey. It also provides information for those who want to start a self-help group of their own. Information can be obtained using the website address listed above or by calling 1-800-367-6274.

New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services

The mission of the Division of Addiction Services is to decrease misuse or abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by New Jerseyans by supporting the development of a comprehensive network of prevention,intervention and treatment services in New Jersey.

New Jersey Quitnet

QuitNet is dedicated to providing comprehensive resources and support for people trying to give up smoking.

NJ Parent Link

NJ Parent Link is a statewide website initiative made possible by the work of the New Jersey Early Childhood Comprehensive System (NJ ECCS) Team. The focus of the website is to highlight NJ state services and resources. Federal, nationally-respected and community partner resources are also included.

Office of National Drug Control Policy

Parents Resource For Drug Education Founded in 1977 by Thomas J. Gleaton Ed.D. and Marsha Keith Schuchard, PRIDE (Parents’ Resource Institute for Drug Education), is the largest and oldest organization in the nation devoted to drug- and violence-free youth.

Oxford House

Oxford House establishes self run, self supported, addiction recovery houses across the country.

Parent to Parent

Parent-To-Parent is a Grassroots Coalition for parents and loved ones who are suffering the ravaging effects of substance abuse.

Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey

The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is a private non-profit, non-partisan coalition of professionals from the communications industry. Our mission is to reduce demand for illicit drugs in New Jersey through media communication.

Sober24 Social Media Website

Sober24, a service of the Hazelden Foundation, provides an online fellowship for people who are sharing the journey of recovery from addiction and compulsive behaviors. provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in the community can prevent or stop bullying.

Women for Sobriety

Women For Sobriety, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions. Our “New Life” program helps achieve sobriety and sustain ongoing recovery.

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