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Regional Prevention Coalitions

Building Capacity for a Stronger Prevention Field in New Jersey

Across New Jersey, 17 substance misuse prevention coalitions have formed to address local community needs related to 4 KEY STATEWIDE PRIORITIES: 

  1. Underage drinking   

  2. Illegal drug use/misuse

  3. Prescription drug misuse

  4. New and emerging drugs

As a prevention organization with a state-wide vantage point, the New Jersey Prevention Network (NJPN) is uniquely qualified to connect and support these regional coalitions. NJPN staff has actively participated in all levels and types of prevention, including grassroots community-based program implementation, county coalitions and statewide prevention initiatives.


NJPN provides technical assistance to each regional coalition to help successfully assess data, determine consumption patterns and consequences, utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) process to prioritize needs and develop a comprehensive strategic plan with corresponding logic model specific to their region and based upon relevant topics as guided by the four state-identified priorities.

Guided by national research, NJPN facilitates trainings to the coalitions as they identify and create positive environmental changes to impact substance misuse issues pertinent to their specific region. NJPN trainings strengthen each coalition by providing topics such as: capacity building, CADCA’s Core Competencies, navigating the SPF process, cultural competence, project sustainability as well as environmental programs and strategies to complement the priorities of each region.

“Members of each regional coalition bring to the table a diverse set of skills and resources aimed at reaching similar goals across the state. NJPN is committed to advancing their efforts by strengthening each regional coalition through training sessions, collaboration, and technical assistance,” says Diane Litterer, NJPN CEO and Executive Director.

This progressive statewide initiative is funded by the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services.

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Visit our Prevention Resources page to find more toolkits like our Tackling Opioids through Prevention for Athletes (TOP) toolkit!

30 Park Rd | Suite 2 | Tinton Falls, NJ 07724

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