Prevention Thought
Leaders Forum
NJPN’s Prevention Thought Leader Forum was established in 2013 recognizing
the need to create an opportunity to gather the leaders in prevention to strengthen and guide the field of prevention in New Jersey.
The Prevention Thought Leaders’ mission statement:
The Prevention Thought Leaders are a select group of executives advancing the field by promoting research, expanding best practices, and raising the level of prevention excellence in New Jersey.
The Prevention Thought Leader Forum is an invitation-only group that meets quarterly, and these meetings include roundtable discussions, guest speakers and presentations focused on raising the level of excellence within New Jersey’s field of prevention. At these meetings, these prevention leaders come together as peers for candid discussions and to discuss topics currently impacting the field. We network and share experiences, discuss and promote research and best practices, and have created a think tank that will continue to strengthen the field of prevention across the state.
For more information about the Prevention Thought Leaders Form, contact Laura at 732-367-0611.