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Share Your View.
Take Action.

Meet Be the One—the app that empowers people throughout New Jersey to share photos & take action to prevent alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues in their communities. ​ ​


Building Healthier


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Be the One to Build 
Healthier NJ Communities.

We all see drinking, smoking, and other drug use differently, but there’s no doubt that everyone is affected when these substances are misused. With Be the One, you can help promote positive change in your community simply by sharing your view!


Designed together by Rutgers School of Social Work and New Jersey Prevention Network, Be the One is a photo sharing mobile platform that helps shed light on the health of communities throughout New Jersey.

By using your smartphone and the app, share photos of healthy or harmful influences that you encounter in your environment. Every submission on the app contributes important data that gives voice to issues our communities face—helping make a visual “case for change.”

A Platform for Change.

Shaping Healthy Communities.

There are many ways our surroundings can color our experiences and the types of decisions we make—especially as it pertains to alcohol, tobacco, and substance use. 

Given that everyone’s lens is unique, data collected from content shared on Be the One serves as vital insight into exactly how community members are impacted by substance use and what needs to happen to shape healthier communities.

NJ’s Regional Coalitions.

Using Be the One can help ignite change in your community. When you share your view the app, photos and details are reviewed and unpacked by New Jersey’s Regional Prevention Coalitions. These coalitions work to address local needs throughout the state related to underage drinking, illegal drug use/misuse, prescription drug abuse, and new and emerging drugs.