Claudia Blackburn Psy, D., M.S.
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Blackburn is internationally known for her training, program development, and technical assistance in addiction and mental health, including co-occurring disorders. She is an energetic presenter incorporating various learning styles and encouraging active participation with students, professionals, non-traditional learners, and consumers/clients.
She has worked in many behavioral health roles including psychologist, clinical supervisor, training director, R & D, executive director, etc. She serves as the Content Expert Director/Senior Research Analyst, CDM Group, Inc. including projects, such as, the Office of Women's Health (OWH) Healthy Weight Initiative; OWH Adverse Childhood Experiences and Obesity Project, and SAMHSA's Knowledge Application Program. She has extensive background in providing and supervising cross-cultural clinical services across settings and services, translating science to practice, practically integrating evidence-based practices into clinical services, and implementing knowledge adoption strategies in treatment services.
She writes professionally across venues (e.g., professional journals, consumer magazines, and social media) and extensively as a ghost writer for speeches, proposals, video production, marketing campaigns, web-based learning, curriculum, treatment guidelines, and science-based literature.

Presentation information is coming soon.
Workshop Session 2
The Simulated Training Experience: Virtual Learning
This workshop will provide an overview discussing the history and development in addition to a live demonstration on the use of the NJPN SIMmersion training. The SIMmersion training is a virtual training that offers a flexible and fun approach to skill building. It is a training designed specifically by NJ Peer Recovery Specialists for NJ Peer Recovery Specialists working in various community settings. The simulated training provides peers an opportunity to practice building motivational interviewing skills at their own pace and in a safe learning environment.
This workshop is approved for 1-hour Renewal Credit/CEU for: IC&RC/NJ-AP Certification Board | NAADAC