Joseph Green

Joseph LMS Green is a Washington, D.C.-based performance poet and educator with more than eight years’ professional experience. As a solo artist and member of the Intangible Collective, Joseph LMS has performed at venues and schools throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States. For five years, he has coached the Hayfield Secondary School Forensic Speech Team, an art Joseph mastered at young age: he ranked 13th in the nation for Dramatic Performance as a high school senior (1999). He toured with the educational entertainment group Theatre IV, the country’s largest in school touring company, for two and a half years at more than 200 high schools and professional theatres educating children and families.

Open Mic
A poetry and music open mic with an emphasis on celebrating recovery,
hosted online by Joseph Green.
Performers are given 4 minutes to share their work.
You can sign up for a performance slot, all are welcome. Once the sheet is full, we send a confirmation email to each artist who signed up; the confirmation email lists the order of performers for the event: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1AXyrRanljXSY2BXteCfpI8U0GVIOZXfwE0sjgc9Pfo9k5g/viewform?usp=sf_link