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JUNE 18. 2020


Timothy P. McMahon

Timothy P. McMahon

Special Agent

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Special Agent Timothy P. McMahon has been employed by the Drug Enforcement Administration since October 1998. Prior to becoming a Special Agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration he spent six (6) years as a trooper with the New York State Police, from October 1992 thru October 1998. Special Agent McMahon has been assigned to enforcement and task force groups, served as the special agent recruiter for New Jersey and is currently assigned as the public information officer. SA McMahon also works as the Demand Reduction Coordinator for the DEA in New Jersey. Special Agent McMahon earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from St. Bonaventure University.

AM Workshop

Opioids and Beyond: Current Drug Threats

The workshop will explore the most recently available reporting from law enforcement, intelligence, and public health agencies. Attendees will receive an overview of the most pressing drug threats facing New Jersey and the nation. This annual assessment provides in-depth strategic drug-related intelligence to inform counterdrug policies, establish priorities, and allocate resources.

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