JUNE 18. 2020

Jonah C. Cunningham
Government Relations Manager
Trust for America's Health
Jonah Cunningham is a Trust For America's Health (TFAH) Government Relations Manager focusing on behavioral health issues and ways to reduce mortality from substance misuse and suicide. Prior to joining TFAH, he worked for over six years on the staff of Rep. Grace F. Napolitano (D-CA). In his most recent position, as Senior Policy Advisor, Jonah helped to reestablish the Congressional Mental Health Caucus and created a Suicide Prevention Task Force within the Caucus. He also developed legislation to improve the nation’s behavioral health system through expanded services and investments in the workforce. He has received several awards for his commitment to mental health promotion. Jonah has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from the University of Utah and is currently pursuing a Master of Public Policy from The George Washington University. He is an avid Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.
AM Workshop
Addressing a Crisis: Cross-Sector Strategies to Prevent Adolescent Substance Use and Suicide
Adolescence is a time of change; it’s exciting, exhilarating, and often requires support. For many young people, the transition from childhood to adulthood can be challenging, yet we know it is also a period full of promise and opportunity, when we can intervene to make sure kids are on the right path. This presentation will provide an overview of a recent report by Trust for America's Health and Well Being Trust on the increasing impact of drugs, alcohol, and suicide on adolescents. Research and on-the-ground programs demonstrate that we can reduce adolescent substance use and suicide. Solutions are available, and communities are willing and able to take on these challenges. This presentation will highlight the policies and programs that work and offer recommendations for meaningful action.